The gartner will show you around in the old preserved garden.
The tour starts at 11:00 and you will learn about the old flowers and plants in Erichsens Gård's beautiful garden. The gartner Bjarne shares his knowledge about their latin names, their usage and the plant families.
The garden represents the common flowers and plants from the time the garden was created. The garden can be seen as a local time warp beause there are no imported plants.
During the summer you can smell the Roses, Perennials and Lavenders, be presented to our kitchen garden with herbs and learn about Ginkgo Tree, Tree of Heaven and Honey Locust and several fruit trees.
The garden tour takes approx. 1 hour.
Indoor you will meet the women working in the house. They can tell you stories about chancery Thomas Erichsen and his family, who named the house.
Thomas and his wife Michelle had no less than 12 children, including Wilhelmine Erichsen.
The daughter Wilhelmine was the main reason why Zahrtmann and Drachmann had a great interest in Erichsens Gård, because they were both in love with her.