Bornholms Museum's active collecting is primarily linked to continuing research.
When the museum makes archaeological excavations will the findings be registred and be part of the museum's collections. This is also the case for research and investigations from our time's objects.
Furthermore, the museum gets a lot of requests from citizens, who wish to donate objects to the museum. A great and very important part of the colletions are made from donations - and we very much appreciate the gesture from engaged citizens.
The objects that the museum is collecting and conserving make the very foundation to tell the history of the area. That is why it is important that the objects also come with provenance, which means we have to know the object's origin and the story about it's usage. Bornholms Museum only collects objects from or with a relation to Bornholm and Ertholmene.
We appreciate you your time if you have an object or story, you think could be interesting for Bornholms Museum. It is always a good idea to call or email the museum first - then we can assess whether your object(s) will fit in the excisting collections and whether it will contribute with new knowledge. Unfortunately we do not have unlimited space, which means we cannot accept all objects presented to us.
When and if the museum accepts the object(s), a blanket has to be filled out with information about the object(s). In this blanket you also i sign that Bornholms Museum will take ownership of the object(s).

Bornholms Museum registers everything that becomes a part of the collection. That makes it possible to retrieve the story behind every object in the future.
The registration of objects take place in the electronic register system Regin. In this process every object gets a unique number.
From Regin the data is transferred to The Museums' Collections (Museernes Samlinger). In this database information can be found from all the cultural history museums' collections.
Read more here.
Bornholms Museum is committed to register and conservate all objects safely from subverting. The museum's conservating workshop ensures that this is done correctly and is responsible for the daily conservation. They are also responsible for making the best conditions for conservation in the warehouses and exhibitions as well as monitoring.
Before new objects are stored in warehouse or exhibited they are carefully investigated and - if necessary - processed in a conservation workshop. Certain objects will need a special treatment, which will be made at other conservative workshops, e.g. for paintings.
If the object is very fragile, Bornholms Museum collaborates with The National Museum's conservation in Brede.

The communication is typically the final product of long-lasting research and substantiation projects. Therefore the communication has the purpose to build bridges between collections, research and audience.
We strive to make the communication relevant and engaging for the broader audience - while emphasizing the 'otherness' that charachterizes the history of Bornholm. No historical period at Bornholm is similar to the rest of Denmark's history. Bornholm's geographical location and the sea in particular play a major role.
The communication has to ensure that the museum will play a major role - also in the future. To help and encourage the developing of children and adults' human foundation, give a sense of self-understanding and community.
We are constantly trying to develop our communication at the museum, and we want to prioritize both current and public topics to create democratic dialogues and debates.
The museum is in the middle of a greater transformation of the communication of department of cultural history. That includes renovation of buildings and new narratives about the many exciting fields that we work within. Read more about this in projects.
The museum has because of its size and its very rich archaelogical work collaborations with other research institutions to ensure a high professional level in publications. That is also why Bornholms Museum often has researchers visiting from other institutions. The collaboration projects are completed with big expertise. We see this as a great advantage to collaborate with a lot of experts from other institutions as well as abroad. Bornholms Museum value our collaboration projects at the same level as Bornholms Museum's own individual work.
The museum collaborates with a number of other museums, this is a selection of the official:
The National Museum of Denmark
Museum of South East Denmark / Denmark's center for castles
Gdansk University
Warszawa University
The Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí